Fast – Slow Competition

By | December 3, 2019

Sunday 1st December saw a core of cold-robust members having a go at our Fast & Slow competition; just a bit of aerial fun really, and it was. Seven members braved a cutting Northerly wind, thankfully not particularly turbulent – at least not when I had a go! The general plan was, with one flag-waver at the Northern end of our patch and another at the Southern end, fly as fast as able between them, down wind and then slowly into wind – as straight a path as possible. In addition to prizes for the fastest and slowest, a prize is gained by the pilot attaining the greatest difference, fast-slow. All attendees enjoyed the session, particularly the following clubroom warm-up over lunch! Time spent between flag wavers was recorded by Phil with your humble webmaster providing an estimate of mph using web satellite imagery to gauge the distance between the two. Results are given in the table below and, in particular, well done Steve!

Some good times!

Models employed were, Mark, Boomerang; Simon, Arising Star; David B Astrohog; Geoff, powered Aerobatic Glider (well, it was in that wind!); Roly, Wot 4; Steve, (another!) Aerobatic Glider & self, David W, Pulse 60. A selection of attending models is shown in the photos below.

A selection of the model turn-out.
….and from another angle……..

Meantime, Roly checked out the viscosity of the flying patch………………….

Phil’s caption suggestion, “It’s not fun unless it ends up dirty”! Is that mud or…….?

Again, a good day was had by all. Grateful thanks to Phil and Simon for putting it all together!