Flying Patch Inspection, Wednesday 13 May.

By | May 16, 2020

Myself and Roly gained permission from the land owner to access our flying patch on the 13th to inspect its state after so many unattended weeks. What we found was disappointing but not perhaps as bad as it could have been. As had been expected, the grass was quite long in places but unfortunately punctuated by several mole hills and rabbit holes.

Roly fired up the mower and spent the majority of the remaining day leveling the grass. I spent my time there using the mole hills to fill in several rabbit holes. Simon and Roly visited the next day to continue patch maintenance activities. Full remedial work will be undertaken as soon as is practicable.

Below is a collection of photographs that record what we found on Wednesday.

Club-house from pit area, looking West.
Southerly view from the flying patch.
View North.
Mole hills; ~North-West.
More mole hills!
Roly hard at work!